Mida Dhavaravati.
A Photographic book by Dow Wasiksiri preserving the art of Dhavaravati period (2015)
Sukhothai on the Horizon.
A Photographic book by Dow Wasiksiri for the province of Sukhothai (2014)
Thailand: 9 Days in the Kingdom.
Dow Wasiksiri was chosen as one of 55 leading world photographers for this book and exhibition project. Wasiksiri has among the most pictures selected, alongside bestselling photographers including Greg Gorman, James Nachtwey, Magnum photographers such as Steve McCurry, David Alan Harvey, Richard Kalvar, Mike Yamashita, Bruno Barbey, Abbas, Raghu Rai, Gueorgui Pinkhassov and Chien-Chi Chang. Published worldwide by Editions Didier Millet (Paris/Singapore, plus 5 foreign language editions) in November 2007.
Show off.
A collection of works from four Thai artist each having their own unique styles, Wasiksiri is one of the artist 1999
My Thai (provisional title).
A signature book of photography about the Thai way of life currently being created by Wasiksiri.